How to remove orphaned hardware devices

  1. Open a command prompt
    If you are on an OS with User Account Control enabled, you need to run the command prompt as an Administrator.
  2. Type the following:
  3. In the same command prompt window, type:
  4. Device Manager opens.
  5. Select View, Show Hidden Devices
  6. Expand the various categories to display orphaned devices. They will be grayed out:
  7. Right-click and select Uninstall to remove the device completely from the system.
  8. A reboot may be necessary after your have removed the devices. Sometimes Device Manager will inform you of this, sometimes not.

I find this extremely useful on virtual machines that have moved from one virtualization platform to another. In this situation old Network Interface Cards (NICs) can sometimes be problematic.

How to export a virtual machine directly to a network share

When moving virtual machines between Hyper-V servers it is often useful to be able to export directly into the folder where the virtual machine will reside on the new host. This saves a lot of time and disk space. Here is what you need to do:
  1. Make sure that both your source and destination Hyper-V servers are in the same forest.
  2. Share the folder where the virtual machine will be exported to.
    (This is on the destination server).
  3. Grant NTFS permissions to BOTH the user running the Hyper-V Manager on the source machine and the computer account of the source machine, for the export folder.
  4. Grant Sharing permissions to BOTH the user running the Hyper-V Manager on the source machine and the computer account of the source machine, for the export folder.
  5. Export the virtual machine using the UNC path of the share you created in step 2 as the destination.

These requirements are also covered in the Hyper-V release notes (

How to install System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 prerequisites

Here is a short script that will install the prerequisites for System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008:

ServerManagerCMD.exe -i PowerShell

ServerManagerCMD.exe -i Web-Server

ServerManagerCMD.exe -i Web-Asp-Net

ServerManagerCMD.exe -i Web-Metabase

ServerManagerCMD.exe -i Web-WMI

Since ServerManagerCMD.exe is deprecated in Windows Server 2008 R2 and has been replaced with PowerShell cmdlets, here is the PowerShell command as well:

Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server,Web-Asp-Net,Web-Metabase,Web-WMI

Remember to do ImportSystemModules or Import-Module Servermanager first.

No need to do PowerShell since it is already installed on Windows Server 2008 R2.

Also, remember that SCVMM needs the Domain Functional level to be at least 2, that is Windows Server 2003. The Configuration Analyzer will warn you of this:


Backing up your Windows profile using Robocopy

Whenever I upgrade the OS on one of my computers or upgrade the computer itself, I always make a manual backup of the data I need to retain. There are many utilities that do this job for you, like User State Migration Tool and Windows Easy Transfer, but none of them give me that warm fuzzy feeling that total manual control provides.
The Robocopy utility, short for Robust File Copy, is one of my all time favorites when it comes to copying large amounts of data. Robocopy used to be part of the Windows Resource Kit, but at least since Windows Vista/Server 2008 it has been part of the base OS installation. This command is what I use to backup my Windows profile, which contains the bulk of my data:
robocopy.exe c:\Users\Morgan g:\ProfileBackup /E /ZB /R:0 /W:0 /XJ /NFL /XD OneDrive “Temporary Internet Files” OfficeFileCache Temp *cache* Spotify WER /XF *cache* *.ost
Note: If you decide to copy and use this command, pay special attention to the file (XF) and directory (XD) exclusions I use. You may have different requirements!
Copy all subdirectories, even empty ones.
Use restartable mode; if access denied use Backup mode.
Number of Retries on failed copies, in this case 0.
Wait time between retries, in this case 0.
Exclude Junction points
No File List – don’t log file names.
/XD Exclude selected directories; space delimited
/XF Exclude selected files; space delimited
Note that the command promp from which you run this command must be run as an administrator. This is because we tell Robocopy to use backup mode when it cannot access a file. The right to copy a file using the backup interface (Back Up Files and Directories) is reserved for the Administators and Backup Operators groups on Windows Vista/7.
The XJ paramtere requires some extra explanation. Windows Vista changed the layout of user profiles, making Vista profiles incompatible with profiles in earlier versions of Windows. To ensure compatibility with older applications the Windows Vista profile contains several NTFS junctions that map the old folder names to the new locations. If you try to run Robocopy without the XJ parameter the copy will loop creating nested folders in your target destination until the path length reaches the maximum (256) allowed by NTFS. Therefore we need to exclude juntions.
When you run this command you will see many files that cannot be accessed since they are in use. This can be safely ignored. These files are your actual registry hive etc that is loaded when you are logged on to the system. If you want a copy of these files as well you have to boot into WinPE and make a copy from there. Or log on as another user with administrative privileges and make a copy of the profile. I have never needed any of the data in these files.

Displaying the Volume GUID of a volume

The use of letters to identity volumes and partitions in Windows is something we have inherited from MS-DOS. Drive letters are still used today due to their ubiquity and for compatibility. However, the Windows operating system does not depend on them. Instead Windows uses a GUID to identify each volume or partition. (Windows Home Server, which is actually a custom version of Windows Server 2003 has done away with the use of drive letters completely.)This GUID is called the Volume GUID or the Unique Volume Name. The Volume GUID is assigned the first time the OS encounters a volume and it does not change. This ensures that Windows can always uniquely identify a volume, even though its drive letter has changed.

On systems with a lot of storage you will often run out of drive letters for your partitions and volumes. You can work around this by using mount points e.g., but you can also reference the volume by its GUID directly. This is actually the recommended practice in some situations. When configuring highly available virtual servers in Hyper-V with Windows Failover Clustering, for example.

So how do we find the Volume GUID? The easiest way I have discovered is by the use of the mountvol.exe utility. Running mountvol.exe without any arguments will show you help for the utility, but also the current Volume GUID to drive letter/mount point relationships.


To prove that the volume GUIDs really are the “true” path to the volume, copy one of the strings and past it into Explorer or the Run dialog.


Press enter and you will see the contents of the volume displayed.


(Notice the question mark by the drive icon in the navigation bar and the info pane.)

I have not been able to use the Volume GUID from the command line, but that is also the only limitation I have found. Not strange if you consider the command prompt’s origins.

You can also see all the volume GUIDs for every volume the OS has ever seen under the registry key:


At this location you will also find the “regular” drive letter assignments. They have the form \DosDevices\<drive letter>. If you compare the data in this key for the Volume GUID and the DOS drive letter for a given volume, you will see that they match meaning that they point to the same volume.

Strangely enough, the Swiss army knife of disk and volume management in Windows; diskpart.exe can’t display the Volume GUID. This is something that will change in future releases, hopefully. Diskpart can, however, display another interesting piece of data which resembles the Volume GUID, namely the disk signature. Just as volumes have unique IDs, so do disks (or what Windows perceives as disks). The DETAIL command in diskpart will display the disk signature as the Disk ID. It is an 8 digit hexadecimal number.

The string \\?\ is present in all volume GUIDs and it tells Windows to turn off path parsing. Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista have a maximum path length of 255 characters. It is possible to use more that 255 characters by prefixing the path with \\?\. This enables you to use paths that are up to 32,000 characters long, and is called using the “wide” version of a function. The \\?\ itself is ignored as part of the path. E.g.:

“\\?\C:\Users\Aquaman\Documents\test.docx” will be processed as “C:\ Users\Aquaman\Documents\test.docx”

Various problems with the Volume GUID may occur under some circumstances making Windows unable to boot or access the volume. Some of these situations are documented here:

How to exit explorer.exe gracefully on Windows XP and Windows Vista/7

When you install a piece of software that integrates with the Windows shell, typically explorer.exe, you have to restart your computer to complete the installation. If the installer were to close explorer.exe the user would be left without a usable GUI. However there is a supported way of closing the shell process, perhaps saving you from a reboot when installing software. Or just giving you something to test and play around with.

Windows Vista

Press the Start button, and while holding Ctrl+Shift, right-click any empty area of the menu, or the power or lock buttons. You will see this context menu:


Hit Exit Explorer to exit the shell process.

Windows XP

Open the shutdown dialog, Log Off…/Shut Down/Restart, and while holding Ctrl+Alt+Shift hit the Cancel button. Explorer will exit cleanly.

So now what?

OK, so we have made our shell exit. So how do we control the computer now? Any applications you had running while the shell was running will still have their windows on your desktop, but you will not be able to do much with them. We need to restart the shell process. How, you say? Simple. Just bring up Task Manager (Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and select New Task… (Run) from the File menu. Enter explorer.exe and your shell will restart.

More info on Aaron Margosis’ Blog:

Using WinPE and ImageX to recover from a failed hard drive

The hard drive storing the boot and system volumes of my main home machine failed a couple of weeks ago. The drive first started making strange noises and occasionally the machine would hang or blue screen. The hangs, which usually were recoverable, were accompanied by errors in the system log.
Index              : 270720
EntryType          : Error
EventID            : 11
Message            : The driver detected a controller error on DeviceIdeIdePort0.
Category           : (0)
CategoryNumber     : 0
ReplacementStrings : {DeviceIdeIdePort0}
Source             : atapi
TimeGenerated      : 11.01.2009 20:47:12
TimeWritten        : 11.01.2009 20:47:12
UserName           :
Before the drive finally gave out I was able to use ImageX to make a backup in a WIM file.
The first replacement drive I received, a Seagate 250GB drive, was DOA. Go figure. The second one, a Samsung 300 GB drive worked. Here are the complete steps I followed to make the backup and restore my machine.
  1. Download and install Windows Automated Installation Kit
    This package contains WinPE, which I use to capture and apply the WIM image, as well as the utility used; ImageX.
  2. Create a bootable WinPE CD-ROM containing ImageX.
    ImageX.exe is the only file I neede to add that was not already included in WinPE.
  3. Boot the WinPE CD.
  4. Run ImageX:
    imagex /capture c: d:myvistabackup.wim “Emergency Vista Backup” /compress none
  5. Replace the failed drive.
  6. Boot WinPE again.
  7. Run Diskpart to create a new partition on the new drive and set it active:
    select disk 0
    create partition primary
    assign drive letter=c:
  8. Format the new partition:
    format c: /q /y
  9. Apply the image:
    imagex /apply d:myvistabackup.wim 1 c:
  10. Update the Boot Configuration Database (BCD):
    bcdedit /set {bootmgr} device partiton=c:
    bcdedit /set {default} device partiton=c:
    bcdedit /set {default} osdevice partiton=c:
  11. Reboot

Fixed some problems with the blog

Ever since I performed an in-place upgrade from Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition to Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition on the server hosting this blog, I have been having problems when adding or edition content as my regular user. I would, for instance, try to create a new post or edit an existing one, the server would then return a white page with the words 403 FORBIDDEN. That was it. I tried Googling this error and installing some WSS hotfixes, but nothing resolved the problem. If I logged on as an administrator I could update and add content fine.
This situation finally became untenable so I decided to redo the WSS install. I first made a backup of the content database containing all the content from the sites. I then uninstalled WSS and the WSS language pack. Removed the Web Server Role. Removed the .NET Framework, Windows Internal Database, SMTP Server and Remote Administation Tools features. And finally, deleted the inetpub directory.
I reinstalled all the above software, roles and features and restored the content database. I had to redo all the configuration because I did not want to restore the configuration database. But luckily that was not too much work.
Now the error seems to be resolved, so you can look forward to a few more postings in the future.
Here are a few of the postings I have planned:
  • Using Wireshark network analyzer to decipher SSL traffic.
  • Configuring ISA Server 2006 to publish Outlook Anywhere using Kerberos Constrained Delegation. (Judging by the amount of spam comments on the first post on this topic, this should be popular.)
  • A few more I can’t remember right now

Information wants to be free!