App Controller to SQL firewall requirements

So here’s a quick one… App Controller needs the following services/ports open on the SQL server it is configured to talk to during install: SQL (duh!) (Port TCP 1433) Remote Service Management (RPC SCManager UUID 367ABB81-9844-35F1-AD32-98F038001003) Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) If these are open the App Controller installer can automatically detect the SQL instance and …

How to opt in to Microsoft Update with PowerShell

For Windows to retreive updates from Microsoft Update, as opposed to Windows Update (which is the default), you have to opt in. This is usually done through the Windows Update GUI by selecting “Get updates for other Microsoft Products”: This becomes tedious very quickly so here’s how you can do it with PowerShell: To …

Windows Azure compute cores and you

By default, every Windows Azure subscription has a limit of 20 compute cores. This applies to both VMs (IaaS) and worker roles (PaaS). Fortunately this is a soft limit and you can increase it by submitting a support ticket to the Windows Azure team through the management portal here. The following table lists the number …