Script to find outdated computer objects in Active Directory

Computers have accounts in Active Directory and log on just as user accounts do. The “user name” of a computer is its name with a dollar sign appended, e.g: MYPC1$. The password is set by the machine when it is joined to the domain and changed every 30 days by the machine. Just as with …

Desktop.ini customizations do not take effect

You copy a desktop.ini file into a folder to customize and maybe localize it. You have correctly set the file’s attributes to Hidden, System and Read-Only, but still your customizations do not work. To make it work you need to set the Read-Only or System flags on the folder where the desktop.ini file resides. As …

If you won’t translate RDS profiles; I will!

Out of pure frustration with the fact that the Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) is unable (unwilling is my guess) to do security translation for users’ Remote Desktop Services (RDS) roaming profiles, I decided to take matters into my own hands and created the script below. It is not very refined just now, but I …

Exploring the Global Catalog and examining the “universalness” of Universal Groups

Universal groups (UG) are stored in the Global Catalog (GC). But what exactly is the Global Catalog, and how does it store objects? Does it store anything at all! And how do Universal Groups work anyway? Active Directory Domain Controllers (DC) have exactly one database. It is stored in %windir%NTDS and is called NTDS.DIT. DIT …

Some nice one-liners

Restart the computer you are logged on to immediately, forcing all applications to close: shutdown.exe /r /t 0 /f The same for a remote computer: shutdown.exe /r /t 0 /f /m \<computer> Add someone to the local Administrators groups: net localgroup Administrators /add <user or group> Enable Remote Desktop on a remote system: reg add …

Some Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) Notes

The good old Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) has reached version 3.2 making it compatible with Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 and x64. ADMT started it’s Microsoft life as licensed software from One point. I’ve been using this baby since version 2.0. It offers what you need to perform intra or inter-forest Active Directory migrations/restructures, but …