Tip for creating Outlook profiles

NOTE: Disregard the info in this post for now. It has come to my attention that this might not always work and therefore requires some more research. Sorry! With the introduction of Autodiscover in Exchange 2007 this might not be very relevant, but some users still use PRF files or the Office Customization Wizard to …

Licensing your Exchange 2007 Edge Server

One of the new roles in Exchange 2007 is the Edge server role. The edge server is an Exchange server that sits in your DMZ and receives and sends SMTP mail to and from the Internet. It also performs a lot of other task like spam checking, anti-virus (if installed) etc. The Edge server is …

Mismatched Email addresses causes recipients to be skipped during Offline Address Book generation

You might experience this error during an Offline Address Book generation cycle: Index : 94460EntryType : WarningEventID : 9327Message : OALGen skipped some entries in the offline address list ‘Global Address List’. To see which entries are affected, event logging for the OAL Generator must be set to at least medium.– Default Offline Address ListCategory …

What does the Protect object from accidental deletion setting in Windows Server 2008 Active Directory actually do?

Windows Server 2008 Active Directory introduced a setting called Protect object from accidental deletion on all directory objects: This was implemented to avoid accidentally deleting objects from the directory. OUs have this setting set by default. But what does it actually do? When this setting is set a Deny access control entry (ACE) is added …

Using IIS 7 URL Rewrite Module to simplify Exchange 2007/2010 Outlook Web Access URLs on Windows Server 2008/2008 R2

The default URL for Outlook Web Access i Exchange Server 2007 is https://<server FQDN>/owa. This URL is always an issue for end users who find it too long or complex. They either forget to use HTTPS in front of the URL, or to append /owa to the server name, or both. The first mistake results …