Exploring certificates in IIS

Recently, I’ve been having some issues with certificates in IIS 6.0 that have cause me to perform some operations that I do not normally do. That has taught me a thing or two about certificates in IIS and I have discovered some nice info which I link to in this post.
First off is my discovery that you can actually install a certificate in IIS after you have delete then pending request from ISM. The procedure is described here:
Install certificate after deleting the pending certificate request (IIS 6.0)
The second thing is a KB article that describes how to request a new certificate for a website on a server that already has a certificate, without removing the existing certificate. This is useful if you want to change the identity on the certificate, but not delete your existing certificate right away or cause downtime. The problem here is that you need the private key in the certificate store on the server where you already have a certificate. The procedure is described here:
How To Renew or Create New Certificate Signing Request While Another Certificate Is Currently Installed

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